Contitution of IPSA

1. Name & Address     Indian Poultry Science Association
                                         Central Avian Research Institute
                                         Izatnagar – 243 122 (UP), India

2.Jurisdiction             The Indian Union.

3. Objectives

  • Advancement of knowledge in Poultry Science,
  • Promotion of poultry development activities in the country,
  • Publication of a scientific journal,
  • Coordination of the activities of poultry research workers through technical meetings/discussions on important topics and presentation of research work in all branches of poultry science, and
  • Encouragement of teaching, scientific research, practical experimentation, the collection and publication of statistics, the study of the economics of poultry business and study into the problems of production and marketing.

4. Membership
Application for membership shall be made to the General Secretary in writing and which shall be open to :

  • Persons engaged in teaching, research and development of poultry in educational or research institutes, government departments.
  • Persons in industry holding positions which require technical knowledge in the field of Poultry Science.
  • Any other person interested in the objects of the Association and whose membership is considered useful to IPSA by the EC.

5. Subscription
The membership fee or other subscriptions to the Association are to be remitted in the name of IPSA, Izatnagar through Bank Draft payable at SBI, CARI Branch (Code No.7027) Izatnagar. The subscription fee is subject to revision from time to time as decided by the EC or the General body.

  • The annual subscription, w.e.f. 1.1.2010 is Rs. 500/- payable in advance by January 1, each year. In case of failure to pay the subscription before March 31, member’s name shall be struck off from the mailing list of the journal until renewal of subscription.
  • Persons in foreign countries shall be required to pay $75 towards Annual Membership Fee that includes supply of Journal by Air Mail.
  • Individuals eligible for membership may become Life Members of the Association upon payment of Rs.3000/-.
  • Individuals/firms etc., can become sustaining member by paying Rs.5,000/- per year. Their name(s) will appear in IJPS during that year.
  • Annual Subscription Fee for libraries, institutes or private bodies is Rs.1000/-.

6. Patron
Eminent persons and industrialists may become patron of IPSA by paying a nominal fee of Rs.10,000/- annually.

7. General Body
The general body will constitute all members of the IPSA and who will be entitled to attend the annual general body meeting (AGM), suggest or discuss any agenda items in the best interest of the Association.

8. Officers and Council
To manage the affairs of the Association, there shall be an EC of twenty one. The decisions will be taken by a majority of votes of members present in the meetings.

  1. The EC will constitute of a President, five Vice-Presidents, one General Secretary, one Joint Secretary, one Treasurer, one Joint Treasurer and eleven Members.
  2. The term of the EC Members shall normally be three years, and they shall be eligible for re-election. The new EC take-over either on the 1st working day in January following elections or at the time of the next convention.
  3. The office bearers of the Association and other Members on the EC except those to be nominated by the President will be elected through secret ballot. Nomination for election should be forwarded to the General Secretary or the Election Officer so appointed by the AGM within the specified time.
  4. In order to make the IPSA more functional, the President will nominate the following members from the Head Quarters :
    • Vice-President        One
    • Joint Secretary      One
    • Treasurer               One
    • Chief Editor            One
    • Admin                    One

The President shall also have the power to appoint members to unfilled vacancies and those caused by death, resignation or ineligibility. Such term of office will be until the next election.

9. Meetings
For smooth conduct of Association/s affairs, the EC should meet frequently while the General Body at the time of Symposium.

  1. Four members of the EC including office bearers will constitute the required quorum to transact business. The Chief Editor of IJPS shall be treated as a Member on to the EC.
  2. The AGM will customarily be held at the time of symposium without any prior notice. As soon as the 1st announcement of symposium is issued, the Honourable Members may send into the General Secretary any agenda item/suggestion to discuss during the AGM.
  3. A report of the work of the IPSA along with the balance-sheet shall be issued every year and furnished to the Members prior to or at the time of AGM.
  4. The AGM will consider the report and balance sheet, pass the budget for the next year and conduct other general business. Decision can be taken by the simple majority of votes. If necessary, the AGM will appoint Returning Officer to start the process of election of Office Bearers and Members to the EC.
  5. Extraordinary meeting of the IPSA may be called as and when considered necessary by the President or on receipt of a written request from 25 members or 1/4th of the Members on the Association’s roll, whichever is less.

10. Publications
The Association shall publish three issues of the IJPS in a year, copies of which will be sent to all subscribers.

  1. The business of the Journal shall be conducted by a Board of Editors consisting of one Chief and fifteen other Editors representing various fields of Poultry Science subjects to an overall control of the EC.
  2. The Chief Editor, in consultation with EC will appoint other members of the Editorial Board.

11. Fellowship/Honour
The EC may designate any Member as fellow of IPSA or honour him/ her in recognition of the contributions made for the advancement of knowledge in any branch of Poultry Science or for the development of the Poultry Industry. The number of such awards will be limited to four in a year.

12. IPSA Award
Any Member(s)/organisation(s) by paying a minimum of Rs.10,000/- may institute IPSA Award(s), for an outstanding contribution in the field of Poultry Science. The Award will be given on the work published in IJPS. The interest accrued thereon will be used for the purpose. The election of awardees will be done as per rules framed by the relevant committee.

13. Duties of Office Bearers
The Office Bearers are expected to perform the following jobs:

a) President: Being the executive head of IPSA, the President shall preside over the AGM, extraordinary special meeting and EC meetings in which he shall have both a vote and a casting vote. In his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents or failing which any other Member elected by the Members present to preside over the meeting, shall have the same power for the time being.

b) Vice-President: One of the Vice-Presidents (normally from the H.Q.) shall perform the duties and exercise the privileges of the President during the latter’s absence or when specially requested by the President to do so.

c) General Secretary: Execution of the day-to-day activity of the Association shall be the responsibility of the General Secretary. He shall convene the meeting of the EC and the AGM when desired by the President, keep minutes of all proceedings of such meetings, and prepare and submit to the AGM an annual report on the activities of the IPSA during the preceding year. The General Secretary shall also authorise expenditure of funds of the IPSA on behalf of and with the approval of the EC.

d) Joint Secretary: He will assist the General Secretary in the affairs of the IPSA, work and act on behalf and in absence of the General Secretary if so directed by the EC.

e) Treasurer: As custodian of the IPSA’s funds, the Treasurer shall receive subscriptions, fees, donations or any other money on behalf of the IPSa, and shall issue receipts in respect of such transactions. He shall maintain Bank A/C in the name of the IPSA only, operate funds on behalf of the EC, keep proper accounts and be responsible for preparation and submission to the General Body annual balance sheet of accounts duly certified by the auditor appointed by the EC. He shall also prepare a budget estimate of income and expenditure for each year and submit it for approval of the AGM.

f) Joint Treasurer: He will assist the Treasurer/Chief Editor in maintaining accounts of the Association.

g) Members: Members will assist the EC in any manner determined by the President in the interest of the IPSA.
i) Admin: Admin will look after the working and proper functioning of the website of the society and its regular updating.

14. Amendment of the Constitution
The constitution of the IPSA can be amended by general consensus of Members’ two-third of Members should agree in favour of such an amendment.

15. IPSA Chapter
 At a place/ organization/ institution with ten or more Life Members, a Local Chapter of the IPSA may be formed, and the activities of which be intimated to the General Secretary from time to time.

16. Head Quarter of the Association
The Head Quarter of the IPSA will be at CARI, Izatnagar permanently so that Association’s activities could be strengthened and continued uninterrupted. The IPSA Journal should be published from the H.Q.